Connor Bumgarner- College Journeys: Advocating for Equal Learning Opportunities

Where did you go to college?

I attend West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia! Almost Heaven, here in the heart of Appalachia

What did you study?

I study communication sciences and disorders with plans of attending graduate school for speech language pathology one day. I have a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies and Psychology.

Tell us about your college experience.

My college experience was all about discovering myself outside of the box society puts you in. I learned everything in college. From academics to relationships. Learning to love myself and making connections that will last me a life time.

How do you feel that your university experience shaped you personally and professionally?

My university experience has shaped me in the sense of allowing me to shape myself. My university and the community gave me the tools to mold myself once they helped me learn who I really am.

Do you feel that college opened doors for you that you might not have otherwise had access to?

College taught me lessons that I feel would have been harder to learn outside of this environment. College has given me a type of experience that is hard to achieve outside of this setting. These experiences and lessons have opened doors professionally and personally for me! The doors aren’t impossible to open without college, but I feel well prepared to open these doors!

What challenges have you faced in the pursuit of higher education if any?

It’s not easy. The stress and pressure is always there. However, I have learned a sense of perseverance that makes myself immensely proud. The process of beginning college is difficult, but it  is doable and there are resources!

Do you feel that there is a need for better access to quality education in your community?

We can always do better and should do better. Quality education is one of the most important things. Education can help take you far. Positive reinforcement and better resources should be something that is always pushed for with quality education.


Cadence Weaver-Deering- College Journeys: Advocating for Equal Learning Opportunities


Rasheedah Beatty- College Journeys: Advocating for Equal Learning Opportunities